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Dr. Kirby Clements
Christianity is a progressive faith. From the creation narrative recorded in the book of Genesis to the consummation of all things that are witnessed in Revelation, there is gradual unfolding of knowledge, truth, experiences, and events
Dr. Kirby Clements
Success at the wrong thing can be dangerous. Emulation without revelation is counterproductive. To emulate the character and even good deeds of others is complementary, however, to seek to duplicate another ministry or even calling without a Divine mandate is a dangerous proposition.
Dr. Kirby Clements
The rise of any spiritual movement usually generates interest and emphasis upon a certain doctrine, practice, and behavior. There develops a minority that seem to become designated as the leaders. Around such leadership there is the formation of conferences, networks, associations and a host of publications.
Dr. Kirby Clements
Beauty is an architectural term that express the consistency, symmetry and pleasantness of a building or a structure. Beauty is the absence of dissonance, distortion, imbalance and unpleasantness.
Dr. Kirby Clements
Abraham was thoroughly convinced by a Divine experience. Moses saw the burning bush but Israel did not. Only Paul experienced a Damascus Road event.
Dr. Kirby Clements
Christianity is propositional and evidence-based faith. There are some propositions that must be embraced and some experiences that must be encountered.
Dr. Kirby Clements
The rise of any spiritual movement usually generates interest and emphasis upon a certain doctrine, practice, and behavior. There develops a minority that seem to become designated as the leaders. Around such leadership there is the formation of conferences, networks, associations and a host of publications
Dr. Kirby Clements
This paper is intended to show that the fundamental reason for progress, effectiveness and success may not be skill, zeal, enthusiasm or effort but conceptual.
Dr. Kirby Clements
The book of Acts records the beginning of a charismatic community. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon a small band of believers sparks a revival that gradually turns the world upside down. These early Christians are radically committed to Christ, and they proclaim the Good News of His life, death, and resurrection with great zeal.
Dr. Kirby Clements
The ministry offices of apostle, prophet, and bishop are much emphasized during the last two decades. Since the 1980s conferences, coalitions, networks, and publications focus on the function and significance of these offices in the government of the Church.

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