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Statement of Faith

We join with all Christians around the world who affirm a historically orthodox and biblical faith. Knowing that most ministries have developed their own statements based upon their personal convictions, we are open to all biblical-based expressions of the Christian Faith. In addition, we embrace the following tenets of the faith that further clarify our identity: 


1. The Bible

We believe the Bible is the inspired and authoritative written revelation of God concerning Himself and His intentions toward all people, nations and the earth. The Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, is the "Word of God" and is the all-sufficient, infallible rule of faith and conduct that guides believers to salvation, worship and service unto God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God brings and sustains salvation to all who have united their faith with His Word.


2. The Triune God

We believe there is only one God, mysteriously and eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to all of whom belong the undivided essence and full attributes of God. We agree with the Westminster Confession of Faith that "God is a spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, truth" and love. We believe that God's redemptive intention is to restore a fallen world and people unto Himself.

3. Creation and Humankind

We believe God created the heavens, the angelic beings and the earth through His spoken Word, giving freedom of choice to all His moral creatures (free moral agents who know right from wrong) with inherent blessings or consequences related to their choices. Through Lucifer's insurrection in heaven, he and his fallen angels were cast to the earth bringing with them their kingdom of evil and corruption. We believe God originally created mankind in the image and likeness of His character and nature with a divine commission to bear witness to and represent His Kingdom (His righteousness government) on earth as it is in heaven. We believe that Adam and Eve's original assignment was to corporately take dominion over Satan's evil influence in the earth.


4. Jesus, the Christ

We believe in the deity of Jesus of Nazareth, the incarnate Son of God. We hold as truth His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, and His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood. We believe in His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, His intercession for His Church, and His personal return to the earth in power and glory. We believe that Jesus is the King of God's Kingdom and is the Head of His Church in heaven and on earth.

5. Sin and Redemption

We believe humanity failed in their mission, fell spiritually and are hopelessly lost in sin. Sin is any action that participates in Satan's kingdom of evil. We believe deliverance from Satan's kingdom and its consequences is possible only through faith and confession in the person of Jesus Christ and His saving work and by the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit. We believe the purpose of salvation is to restore humankind to God and to their original mission on earth.

6. The Holy Spirit

We believe in the past, present and future ministry of the Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin and to reveal the redemptive work of God in Christ. We believe in the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit and in His indwelling and empowering of the Christian to live a repentant and godly life in service to God. We believe the Holy Spirit has supernaturally gifted believers to minister to one another, to mature the Church as Christ's Bride, and to influence the world for God.


7. The Church

We believe the Church is comprised of all believers who have responded to God's redeeming call. We believe the Church "visible" is led by called and anointed men and women of God, yet all believers have direct access to God through Christ and are personally accountable to Him for their actions. We believe Jesus built His Church to be the embassy of His Kingdom on earth and to continue His work with such authority that the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.


8. The Kingdom of God

We believe the Kingdom of God is the past, present and eternal reality of God's rule and dominion through the Lord Jesus Christ in every sphere of existence in the universe. The Kingdom is not limited to a geographic place, a race of people, a heavenly realm, or even to the Church itself.  However, the Church proclaims and demonstrates its powerful existence in the world. We believe the Kingdom of God will prevail over all earthly kingdoms of the world.


9. Our World View

We believe God loves the world and sent His Son to save the fallen masses held captive by the devil to do his will. However, we also believe God hates the world systems that enslave people and operate apart from His righteous rule. We believe the redeemed of the Lord must provide a witness of God's rule within world systems in order for those kingdoms to either repent or be judged. We believe the earth is the Lord's and believers are responsible for its care.


10. The Culmination of the Ages

We believe the end of all things will come when the Church fulfills her mission of proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom as a witness to all the nations. We believe in the physical return of Jesus to the earth, the destruction of all that is evil, the resurrection of the dead, the rewards for the righteous, and the punishment of the wicked. We believe in the restoration of all things that will culminate with the kingdoms of the world becoming the Kingdom of God.

Contact Info:

P.O. Box 831
Quincy, IL 62301
Phone: (404) 941-8976
Email: info@theiccc.info

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